Alice is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Biochemistry at the University of Bristol.
“I work at the University of Bristol, where I teach on all levels of our biochemistry and medical degree programmes. I’m particularly interested in developing students as researchers, and I’m involved in designing and running a new research training course as part of our MSci in Biochemistry programme. Outside of work I play violin in several orchestras and a string quartet.
There are lots of opportunities for budding young scientists to get involved in research. Attend local science festivals and outreach events; start reading New Scientist or other science magazines; or get involved in a citizen science project like the SETI@home or the Big Butterfly Count and make a real difference to our understanding of the world around us, from your own home!
My favourite memory of CHS is having a great time on the A-level biology field trip to Aberystwyth, where we spent a week counting cockles and sorting seaweed, and generally having fun on the beach!”