Active CHS Hockey player Caitlin has been selected to take part in England Hockey’s player pathway performance centre training programme.
Playing for the U16s, at the end of her training she could be in with the chance of being selected to play as part of the England Squad national team.
“It was a surprise to find out I’d been selected,” Caitlin remembers. “I only knew about it when some friends sent me a text to say congratulations, I was like “What for?” then checked it out online.”
Now in Year 11 but playing hockey at CHS since she was in the U10s, Caitlin also enjoys playing her sport outside of School and is a member of Alderley Edge Hockey Club.
Caitlin says it’s a combination of practice and being set the right challenges which has helped in her endeavours. “I think playing as part of CHS’s first team has really helped; I’m playing alongside and against players who are older, bigger and stronger than me so that’s pushed me and improved my skills.”